Sunday, August 14, 2011

BP4_Google Services

I have been laser focused on Google lately.  Brand names are a big part of modern living.  Pepsi or Coke… water.  Burger King or McDonald's… Taco-Bell.  Google has created a brand that folks believe in.

Students & parents that feel technology related anxiety might be comforted by the brand.  Students & parents are familiar with Google; they have been using the search engine for years.  Just the aesthetic of the Google logo might improve attitudes and we all know attitude is everything.

My advertisement is intended to show students & parents how many services & products they have access to using their Google accounts.  The add is intended to be humorous, attempting to relieve any techno-anxiety.

When integrated through iGoogle the various products & services blend together into one very powerful tool.  Students are sure to appreciate the opportunity to express themselves with the variety of themes, settings, & services available.

Google's stature in the technology universe is another benefit.  Google will reflect trends.  Indeed, Google will set trends.  This allows students to utilize mainstream functions & relatively ubiquitous control settings. After all, we don't want our students merely learning how to use applications.  We want our students to learn how to learn applications on their own.

So much that we cover in school is mere hoop jumping.  Students learn information because they have a test, not because of any intrinsic motivations.  Students are creating a tool that they can keep for the rest of their lives when they start a Google account.  Ideally the services meet student needs other than just those of an academic nature.  Google can integrate into student lives.

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