Saturday, August 13, 2011


I finished the tutorial & its twelve minutes long.  I considered splitting the movie into two parts, one for gmail & one for blogger, but thought better of it.  The reason being that the goal is to get my students blogging.  The google account is a means to that end.

I am not happy with the resolution.  Going forward I will create videos in the highest resolution & convert them to fit whatever platform they are shared on.  I am happy with the audio quality I achieved.  The movie didn't seem to necessitate normalization of my narration or the music.  I feel lazy using apple's jingle instead of creating music, but I don't feel that impacts quality.

Please let me know how effective this video is at delivering instructions for starting a blog.  Could I send this video home as homework?  What could I add to make this more clear?

My experience editing video so far has taught me one thing for certain.  Videos always takes longer to create than you think they will.  Details are what make videos high quality.  Hopefully over time I will start to develop tricks to speed my workflow.  Purchasing a copy of final cut pro is also important.  I don't know how much the learning I do for iMovie will transfer to editing with the more advanced software.  Much of what chews up time when editing is watching footage.  I need to get good at forwarded right to the part of a clip that needs to be edited, rather than watching the same footage over & over needlessly.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,
    Great job on the video tutorial. I think that the directions were very clear and straightforward. Students and parents shouldn't have any problem following the flow of the video unless they still live in the dark ages in regard to technology. The only suggestion that may make the video more interesting is to let the music continue throughout the tutorial and lower the volume way under your narration. I wouldn't use ducking because of the fluctuation in volume levels. That that for whatever it is worth. It's just a suggestion.
    You mentioned splitting up the video. That may not be a bad idea to spit up the different steps. It didn't bother me to watch the whole thing, but you might lose students if they have to watch all of it while trying to set up their different accounts.
    For most people, editing is a cumbersome process. I know well, especially with audio mixing and editing, that the more you do it, the better and more efficient you will become. I look forward to hearing how your tutorial works.
